Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Blog Refresh! Mobile Apps pt 3

...Continued from yesterday

Moving on with the comprehensive list of business tips for promoting Mobile apps, in this post we post all about being social with your promotions. How to start, what to do, who to reach and how to maintain social promotion is all we cover in relevant order. A reminder once again that although the tips here are in order of importance, the reference list numbers from the original link is given.

Those who cannot access the original link, you can also find it here:

2. Start a blog. Regular updates on a topic that focuses on your core service makes you a niche expert, and perhaps worth downloading!

17. Start a community. Good places do this include Facebook (for online groups) and Meetup.com (for local groups). Surround yourself with people who care about the same things you do.

21. Become a speaker. Try to land public speaking engagements and share your wisdom at conferences, panel discussions, and presentations. Make it always about the problem, not your solution.
4. Use teasers. Create a teaser landing page before the app launches, and collect beta subscribers via an email submission field.

14. Offer a helping hand. Not everything you do has to lead back to an app-download button. Find users who have a problem you can help with, offer advice, and become a little hero—the downloads will roll in later as a thank you!

38. Encourage customer ratings. Ask your happy users to leave a rating on the app store —but keep it real! Customers can smell fake reviews from a mile away these days.

20. Promote in all your communications.
26. Advertise.

24. Create a video channel on YouTube or Vimeo.
30. Communicate with your circle. Let your friends, family, colleagues, and classmates know what you are doing. An occasional update will be enough, since friends and family are a lot less engaged in your activities than you might believe.

48. Answer questions.

45. Re-engage users who have already installed your app. Google has launched a new initiative where you can run ads to drive users to open your app. Facebook does a similar thing now, too.

33. Give love to your critics. Retaining customers is 80% cheaper than acquiring new ones. Focus on those negative reviews, and reach out to users and help them solve their problem with your app. You can use Apptentive.com for this.

63. Contact your local community. If your app is meant to address a local community, consider a local mailout. A welcome card or letter is a great way to onboard new users.

49. Be noteworthy. That is, be funny, cool, or even shocking, and you have a chance to make it into Reddit.

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